As you already know eggs can be used in many ways to that multitudes of cooking of dishes. Not everyone knows everything about them, so I made a list with some tips and ways that you can use eggs to cook food.
We use eggs in so many recipes. They are a basic element in the kitchen.
An egg can be cooked just - boiled, poached, fried, scrambled.
Or used as an ingredient in desserts, batter and cakes.
Alternatively, you can use an egg to thicken sauces or to add air to lighten the dishes.
The egg is really surprising. And without it - so our menus safe it would be boring.
But you know much about egg?
It is likely that they have not even given an idea. Well, it is time that did so.
The most critical aspect of the egg is - is the content of air. (I bet you thought that I was going to tell the shell).
The first time he laid the egg has nearly all the air inside a very small air bag. However, due to which the shell is porous, which allows air to penetrate. And the passage of time, the air moves on the inside of the egg and grows air bag.
As this enlarges air bag, moisture evaporates in the eggs. So, as the egg ages the yolk becomes flatter and less plump and separates the clara and extends it.
And this all impacts on kitchen. Depending on how you are using the egg determines how a fresh egg that should be used.
If frying one egg, the end result will be a flat pancake instead of a rounded clean egg.
The more stale egg the more fragile and difficult of separating will be.
Unlike the fresh egg, which has a tight and tough inner skin. This makes that Peel eggshell passed through water very frustrating. As the egg ages skin relaxes allowing that Peel peeling much easier.
If you are lucky enough to have their own chickens, then you know the age of her eggs. But what if you have to buy?
The easiest method of determining the age of an egg, is to put the egg in a bowl with water.
If it sinks and lies horizontally - very cool.
If it sinks, but it leans a little - about 1 week of age.
If it sinks, but it sits vertically - older, stale.
But if it floats - it is off, and be careful not to break the shell.
Some people prefer the white and brown eggs some. But that are nutritionally the same.
The egg yolks will also vary in color depending on the diet of the hen.
Do you think breaking the eggs to the boil? Well, follow these simple steps to achieve perfect eggs at all times.
Use eggs 2 weeks of age and ensure that are at room temperature. Get your prick on the flat rounded end of the egg - this allows you to steam that could accumulate to escape.
Use a small saucepan as possible, so that the eggs fit comfortably on - you don't want to much space otherwise can bounce off and crack.
Bring to a boil, but only simmer don't boil vigorously. Follow these tips and eggs will not crack.
Therefore, for the use and poaching as frying a possible fresh egg. When the recipe for eggs to be separated, use fresh eggs also. But if you want easy to use older shell eggs. And when it comes to coding, fresher is better, but the old will.